Yes here you are的相关图片

Yes here you are

下面围绕“Yes here you are”主题解决网友的困惑


here you are。“给你”容易翻译成“give you”这个当然不对,正确的说法是here you are。除非要加上给的东西具体名...

Yes.Here you are.是什么意思

有很多种意思 here you are 有(给你,你在这里啊,就是这里,你做到了)等意思 要根据语境去理解 希望可以帮到你

yes, here you are.是什么意思啊


here yes you are 怎么连词成句

Yes, here you are.


Yes,here you are,but please return it to me tomorrow. 意思是:好的,给你,但请在明天把它还给我。场景示例:-Can I borrow your book today?-Yes,here you...

watch at this i look can are yes you here如何英

Can i look at this watch?我可以看下这个手表吗 Yes,here you are.当然,给你 excuse me,what is on the desk打扰下,桌子上有什么 it's a school bag有个书包

回答是yes here you are 问句可以:Can I aive you s

不行 yes, here you are 表示对方给你东西,那你的问句自然是向对方要东西,而不是给对方东西。问句可以是:can you give me some ...?

can i have a look后面是yes please还是yes here yo

答:对于别人的客气请求,应该是用Yes, here you are. 来回答更妥当一些。

为什么Do you have an English dictionary答语是yes

你好!无论是怎样的语境,这个答语形式都用错了哈!比如,要表达的意思是———Do you have an English dictionary ?你有英语词典吗?—Yes,there it is.有啊,就在...


第一幅图: Excuse me. 打扰一下。 ——Yes? 什么事?第二幅图:Can I use your pencil,please?请问我能用 下你的...

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